Bateau Press

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Welcome to the Bateau Press online submissions portal.

We are accepting work for the BOOM Chapbook Contest (2023-24). 

Send us your best work.  Send us funny work, quirky work, outstanding work, work that is well punctuated or lacks punctuation.  Fearless work.  Work that wants to crash on our sofa. We are looking for poetry, prose, playscripts, comics, art, hybrids, insanity, rants, oddnesses, and stuff that makes us go: WOW. 

If you are submitting to the Boom Chapbook Contest, please make sure that you have taken all names/contact information out of your manuscript. In addition, please do NOT include an acknowledgements page.

       We charge $14 fee to enter the contest. Everyone who enters gets a copy of the winning letterpress, hand sewn chapbook or any chapbook from out catalogue. In this way we are all supporting each other. We're not in this to get rich but we are in this for the community. Us. You. Love. Love. Love. Winner gets $250 & 25 copies of their book. 

        HUGE: we're not into chapbooks for the money of it all so if you cannot afford the entry fee please send an email to Dan at: and we'll work it out. No worries.

A cover letter is not required but is encouraged.

Also, you DO NOT need to inform us of simultaneous submissions. If we accept your submission and it's already taken by another publisher, oh well. That's our fault for not reading fast enough. We'll just hope you try us again.

Good luck!!  Keep writing!!  Kill death!!

Bateau Press